Marissa Earl Editorial

Nonfiction Editing Services


Do you have a book you want your readers to love?
Have you worked hard to craft content they are waiting to hear?
Let me help ensure clarity and consistency at the sentence level to support, not distract from, your message and voice.


Are you working with amazing authors to help their voices be heard?
Do your readers trust you to produce high-quality books?
Do you need a proofreader trained in the procedures and standards of today’s publishing industry? Let me help!

Headshot of Marissa

Meet Marissa

I’m a dedicated and experienced proofreader and copyeditor committed to helping your books succeed. I enjoy paying attention to those finicky details that can make or break a book’s professional feel.

I love working on nonfiction projects: academic, music and music theory, and general nonfiction. I also have expertise in Christian nonfiction topics. I have worked on a variety of projects, such as theological studies, study workbooks, textbooks, and songbooks.

If you have a book in need of editorial help, or if you have questions about the editing and publishing process, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to connect with me on social media or send an email to [email protected].

Marissa is a joy to work with. Her work is always consistent, and her keen eye catches errors both large and small. She works hard to protect the author’s voice while keeping the reader in mind. I know I can trust my projects in Marissa’s capable hands.

Mary Hardegree, Managing Editor, ACU Press/Leafwood Publishers

How can I help you?

Beta Reading

An initial reading to provide overall feedback and advice on next steps. I do this for fantasy books too!

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A sentence-level edit of grammar, syntax, punctuation, and more for clarity and consistency.

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A final quality check of the typeset book to clean up stray errors in the text and check the formatting.

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What Others Say

Marissa beta-read my middle-grade novel with exceptional sensitivity and intelligence. She saved me from gaffes in continuity, pacing, and logic, and her suggested fixes were spot-on. Marissa is a real pro—I felt lucky to have her read my work!

Carol Fisher Saller, author of The Subversive Copy Editor and Maddie’s Ghost

Marissa copyedited my memoir, and I truly appreciate all of her hard work. She was professional, responded quickly to questions, and guided me through the process of being a new author.
She conscientiously addressed sensitive topics, and I was impressed with how she skillfully smoothed out rough sentences and paragraphs. The way she edited the story while maintaining its poetic nature and my style made me particularly happy.

Natalie Monk, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, author of Missionary Ponderances

Marissa Earl is an eagle-eyed, conscientious proofreader who knows her stuff, and nothing gets by her. She goes above and beyond to deliver excellence, and she is a joy to work with.

Dori Harrell, Managing Editor, Redemption Press

Get in touch!

Ask a question or find out more about how I can help with your manuscript.


Some books I’ve proofread:

*My work on these books does not equal 100 percent agreement with the ideas promoted therein. 

Badge: Insured by Hiscox
Badge: Silver member of the Christian Pen
Badge: "I recommend Conscious Style Guide"
Badge: Edit Republic Graduate
Badge: Member of the Editorial Freelancers Association